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Балансировочный станок Зарегистрированное предприятие в Китае

TechnicalPointsofRotorDynamicBalancingMachine(Chapter1)-Динамическая балансировкаМашинаПроизводитель-JZABM(Листинговая компания)

База знаний

Technical Points of Rotor Dynamic Balancing Machine (Chapter 1)

Selection of calibration surface

The operation of removing the unbalance of the rotor and making it in a balanced state is called balance correction. The balance correction is performed on a plane perpendicular to the axis of the rotor, which is called a correction plane.


The method of correcting the balance only in one correction plane is called eliminating the unbalance of the rotor and making it in a balanced state is called balance correction. The balancing correction is performed on a plane perpendicular to the axis of the rotor. This plane is called Correct the plane.

For the thin disk-shaped rotor, the force couple imbalance is small, and only one-sided balance is required. Например, Маховики, шлифовальные круги, fan blades, clutch discs, and rotors whose maximum outer diameter is more than 5 times the net length.

For a rotor with a large initial unbalance and excessive vibration during rotation, single-sided balancing should be performed before dynamic balancing to eliminate static unbalance. The correction is generally carried out in the plane of the center of gravity to reduce the unbalance of the couple. If the plane of the center of gravity does not allow weight removal, it should generally be carried out in two planes on both sides of the plane of the center of gravity.



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