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JZABM 밸락닝 머신항저우 Jizhi 메카트로닉스 Co., 주식 회사.
JIZHI 밸런싱 머신. 중국에서 유일하게 밸런싱 머신에 등재된 기업


기술 자료

어떤 상황에서 차동이 동적으로 균형을 이루어야 합니까??

자동차 디퍼렌셜은 디퍼렌셜 하우징으로 구성됩니다, 유성 기어 샤프트, 두 개의 유성 기어, 두 개의 하프 샤프트 기어, 복합 스러스트 개스킷, 등; 디퍼렌셜은 좌우 또는 전방 및 후방 구동 휠이 다른 속도로 회전하도록 할 수 있는 메커니즘입니다. The main function of the differential is to make the left and right wheels roll at different speeds when the car turns or runs on uneven roads, 말하자면, to ensure that the drive wheels on both sides have pure rolling motion.



Generally, dynamic balancing is required in the following cases of automobile differential:
1. When starting or accelerating or decelerating, you can feel obvious jerk impact and hear abnormal noise;
2. It is difficult for the vehicle to turn around when turning a corner, and the resistance is very high, and the tires are severely worn;
3. If the transmission differential of the vehicle is damaged, the wheels can only be turned by sliding when the vehicle is turning.



The function of the transmission differential is to transmit the power of the transmission to the left and right wheels, and to make the left and right wheels have different rotational speeds when turning. When these problems begin to appear in cars, there are ways to solve them. The differential case dynamic balancing machine developed by Hangzhou Jizhi is a dynamic balancing correction equipment specially designed for automobile brake discs and differentials. It can not only automatically measure the unbalance value of the workpiece, but also automatically drill and print the code.



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