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韓国 ケヤンのリム社長と代表団が当社を訪問し、戦略的な協議を行う

8月29日(土)の朝, 韓国Keyang社のリム社長をお迎えすることができました。, 株式 会社。, チーフエンジニア氏と一緒に. リーとそのビジネスチーム, 詳細な訪問のために私たちの会社に. This visit marks a significant recognition of our company’s capabilities and provides a valuable opportunity to strengthen our collaboration.

Keyang President Lim n Visit Our JZABM Company

The visit began in our first-floor exhibition hall, where our chairman personally guided President Lim and his team through an overview of our company’s history, business operations, and strategic direction. During the subsequent technical exchange meeting, experts from both sides engaged in productive discussions on cutting-edge technologies in their respective fields. This exchange not only highlighted our technical expertise but also deepened the Korean delegation’s understanding of our company while allowing us to gain insights into Korea Keyang’s approach to technological innovation.

Keyang President Lim n Visit Our JZABM Company

Following the discussions, President Lim and his team toured our production facilities and explored our latest R&D projects, guided by our chairman. The delegation was impressed by the orderly work environment, state-of-the-art equipment, and the dedication of our employees.

Keyang President Lim n Visit Our JZABM Company

After the visit, President Lim expressed keen interest in expanding cooperation across multiple sectors to explore international markets together. Both parties reached a preliminary consensus on future collaboration, discussing specific steps such as regular technical exchanges, joint R&D initiatives, and resource-sharing strategies.

Keyang President Lim n Visit Our JZABM Company

The visit by President Lim and his delegation has not only deepened mutual understanding and trust but also set the stage for a strong and fruitful partnership moving forward.

