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Machine d’équilibrage JZABMHangzhou Jizhi Mécatronique Co., Ltd.
Machines d’équilibrage JIZHI. La seule entreprise cotée en bourse de machines d’équilibrage en Chine

JZABMIntroducesNewSparePartsManagementSystem-DynamicBalancingMachineManufacturer-JZABM(Société cotée en bourse)

Nouvelles de l’entrepriseNouvelles

JZABM Introduces New Spare Parts Management System

To enhance efficiency and provide better service, JZABM has implemented a new spare parts management system. Starting immediately, all spare parts inquiries should be directed to spareparts@zjjizhi.com.

This update will streamline the inquiry process, ensuring faster response times and improved order management. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we continue to improve our services.

For any further assistance, feel free to contact us by market@zjjizhi.com



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